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October was a special month in the boat building world, as it was National Manufacturing Month. With a primary goal of sharing manufacturing career opportunities with local students many manufacturing companies throughout the United States open their doors and host special events.

Gekko, along with contracted partner Larson Boat Group opened its doors and offered a guided tour of the 545,000 square foot factory in Little Falls, MN. Vice President of Manufacturing Dave Stienmetz spent the day touring with local highschool students of a technology education class providing them with in-depth information on how the boats are being built and engaging students to apply what they had learned in class.

"All in all, the kids has a great day and were exposed to many different career pathways they could choose in the future. They learned a ton about boats and how they are built, and had a lot of fun," stated Technology Education Instructor Tom Kohl, whom also attended the tour.

Gekko is proud to have boats built in a factory with over 200 expert boat builders (some even being 5th generation!) and 100 years of boat building experience and we hope to keep that local pride going strong by encouraging young people to get involved in the local manufacturing businesses.

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